Minggu, 20 April 2014

Nature Health : Ginger

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)  is already known as a potent herb for thousands of years ago. The benefits of ginger mainly because the content of compounds such as essential oils zingiberena (zingirona), zingiberol, bisabolena, kurkumen, gingerol, filandrena, and a bitter resin.

Ginger is thought to originate from the South Chinese mainland, which then spread throughout Asia, Europe, Africa to Latin America. Almost always there in a variety of oriental cuisine, either stir, grilled, fried, steamed up.

Despite the health benefits contained, ginger flavor and smell that adds savory dishes. Ginger is also commonly used to help eliminate the fishy smell of food ingredients such as fish, shrimp, beef, and poultry.

Benefits and Efficacy of Ginger
1. Morning sicknessGinger is believed to have a positive effect for pregnant women who experience morning sickness . Consuming a glass of warm water with ginger mixture into the most effective ways to cope with this disorder .
2. Combating cancer cellsThe content of nutrients in ginger also helps dampen the growth of cancer cells in the body . A number of studies reveal the efficacy of ginger extract in fighting a variety of cancers such as ovarian and colon cancer .
3. Reduce pain and inflammationGinger is anti - inflammatory that can be used as painkillers . For those of you who have osteoarthritis or rheumatoid problems , ginger is the right choice fortunately reduce pain .
4. AntibacterialIn a laboratory test methods , ginger showed antibacterial and antifungal effects . Ginger contains a large number of anti - oxidants zingerone and can protect tissues from oxidative damage .
5. Hangovers tripFor those of you who often experience motion sickness , you'll want to consume ginger ale . The herb is believed to reduce nausea in addition to also cure jet lag .
6. Overcome menstrual disordersVarious chemical drugs are present to reduce the pain experienced by women during menstruation . However , you should try the natural way . Consuming ginger tea mixed with brown sugar .
7. ToothacheTo overcome dental problems , rub raw ginger on tooth pain , if need be averaged on the entire inside of the mouth to relieve the pain .
8. Cough and sore throatGinger is also known as medicine for cough and sore throat. Ginger not only soothe the throat channel , but also promote healing.
9. Nausea stomachTo make it very easy . First , wash the ginger , then dry in the sun for one day . Then , a little ginger peeled skin and digeprek . Then , pour the hot water while closed until warm . Concoction is then mixed with sugar water sesusai tastes . Drink once a day .
10. Lowering cholesterolA number of studies have shown that regular consumption of ginger is effective in reducing the absorption of cholesterol in the blood and liver. The content of gingerol in ginger also has an anticoagulant effect that can prevent blood clots. Stimulate the release of adrenal hormones that increase blood flow .
11. Eliminate acnePeel the skin of a small clove of ginger. Clean up parts peeling brown color and looks the part in yellow . Ginger slices to the thickness about 1/4 inch. Clean your face by rinsing with water. Apply ginger that has been sliced ​​to all areas of the face as he gave a massage slowly. Rotate to discharge oily ginger. Lie down and put ginger in the entire surface of the face. Let stand for about 10 to 15 minutes. After that, rinse your face with water again and dry with a soft towel .
12. Get rid of toxins in the bodyAdd two hundred grams of powdered ginger in warm water. Ginger contains anti - inflammatory compounds that may increase blood circulation . Including helping the body get rid of toxins through sweat . Soak for about 20 to 30 minutes. While bathing , also meet the needs of body fluids by drinking water . You need to restore the minerals and fluids lost through sweat .
13. Eliminate headachesGinger not only helps reduce nausea, but also beneficial to combat headaches. Because the anthistamin and ginger contains anti-inflammatory. If the headache has been hit , you can enjoy the candied ginger to relieve pain .
Besides ginger , there is another herb that is commonly used as a traditional medicine such as turmeric and ginger . A few articles about the benefits of ginger, may be useful .

Nature Health : Eggplant

Eggplant (Solanum melongena)
Eggplant is one kind of purple colored vegetables that contain nutrients that are very unusual, because eggplant contains calcium, minerals, fiber, bio flavonoids and vitamin K. We may have often consume this vegetable so much without knowing the properties of vegetable eggplant. Begin to love vegetables, because vegetables thoroughly we will review this one. So, what are the benefits for health .. eggplant?

Health tips , here are 7 amazing benefits for health eggplant :1 . The Brain Food :Phyto nutrient content in eggplant is one of the nutrients that are needed by the brain organ. So, for those of you who are confused to choose the types of foods that can nourish the brain, then the eggplant would be one solution.2 . Digestion Better :High fiber content in eggplant can help heal the digestive tract and prevent cancer that can invade your colon.3 . Prevention of Diabetes :This is because, eggplant is a source of soluble fiber and low in carbohydrates which is very good for preventing diabetes.4 . Foods To Heart :This is because, eggplant can help reduce levels of bad cholesterol are at risk of harm to the heart organ .5 . Control High Blood Pressure :The content of bioflavonoids play a major role in helping to lower high blood pressure that could threaten the quality of your health.6 . Bones A More Healthy And Strong :Calcium content in eggplant can strengthen and maintain the strength of the joints and bones.7 . Prevent Anemia . Iron content in eggplant will help prevent anemia or lack of blood which may be suffered by some people.

     Such health tips discussed 7 eggplant tremendous benefits for your health . May be useful for all readers . @http://intips-kesehatan.blogspot.com

Nature Health : Tamarind (Tamarindus indica)

Tamarind (Tamarindus indica), has many benefits for treatment. Some of the diseases that can be treated by tamarind: pain and rancidity during menstruation, sore throat, diphtheria, dry cough, ulcers, low blood, thrush, vaginal discharge, and measles.

Tamarind tree can reach a height of 25 meters with fruit and seed rods with 3.5 to 20 cm long and 2.5 cm thick. Leather outer shell and a soft brown flesh tastes sour.

The flesh is greenish white and dark brown after. Fruit pulp was used to acidify foods, made ​​syrup, or cleaning metal items which the color changed to black. Old fruit flesh is sometimes treated for durability.

How to treatment with tamarind:
1. Ulcer: Tamarind (sour ripe fruit pulp that has been processed and the color black instead of brown) five grams, spinach leaves and thorns kale leaves each 10 grams, a little salt.
Leaf spinach and kale finely ground, mixed with a little sour and salt. Stick it to a boil until the entire surface is covered all. When it is dry, replace it again with a new one. In this way, in a short time will be ripe and burst boils.

2. Thrush:
One cup of washed young tamarind leaves, slice thinly sliced ​​turmeric five centimeters. Boil four cups of water until half. So that feels a bit bad, when boiling add the palm sugar. Filter. Drink every morning and afternoon. Repeat for a few days.
3. Dysmenorrhea
a. One handheld young tamarind leaves turmeric mixed with two fingers and half cups cooking water, then finely ground. Collision plus enough water is then filtered and drunk. b. Acid kawak half thumb, 10 pieces of ginger, palm sugar to taste. The third material was boiled with a glass of water, allow it to be halved. Drink every morning, do a row during the week ahead of the coming months.
4. Prevention of high cholesterol:
Take 150-200 grams of tamarind leaves, finely crushed. Give a glass (220 ml) hot boiled water. Then strain and drink it up. Do it three times a day.

5 . Lowering infant fever :
Tamarind and turmeric each one thumb , the five young jasmine leaf sheets , two stalks scallions . After being washed , mash all ingredients until smooth . Paste in babies fontanel .6 . Fever after parturition :
Tamarind one finger , palm sugar to taste . Acid and palm sugar brewed with hot water in a glass . After a warm drink . Drink two glasses of each one to a few days . 7 . Hemorrhoid Acid kawak one gram , leaves nasty shard and meniran each of six grams , three grams of ginger . Once cleaned , boiled with a liter of water , allow it to be halved . After a cold , drink three times a day .8 . Hypotension :Tamarind five grams , 250 grams of spinach , brown sugar 10 grams , onion 50 grams , 15 grams of chili , seven grams of salt . Boiled spinach , not too ripe . All other ingredients ground together into a sauce . Brown rice , spinach , and chili used as a lunch meal . Do it every day as side dishes .9 . Diphtheria :
Tamarind , radish , red onion , kencur each of five grams , 10 grams of papaya leaves . Acid addition , all materials were given water and then squeezed ground water . Add sour . Brewed with hot water . Stir until evenly distributed . While still warm , use to gargle . Do it three times a day .10 . Dysentery :Acid kawak five grams , turmeric and ginger each 10 grams , a tablespoon of pure honey . Kawak acid , turmeric , and ginger pounded together , give a cup of hot water , wring it out , then strain . Pour honey into the juice , mix well . They are taken in the morning.

11. eczema:
Tamarind handful, meeting buffoonery bulbs one piece, one piece palm sugar. Bulbs ginger pounded, mixed with acid and sugar. Boil two cups of water until the remaining half. Drink once a day. Do it every other day.@SuharsoRahman

Health from Nature

Every disease there must be a cure. As a human who has reasonable minds, we have to use this potential to find solutions in the health problems we suffer. This blog will invite the reader to recognize the natural materials that can be used to maintain health or treat diseases, so its would reduce the cost of treatment.

Plants usually have a secondary metabolite of the compounds that can be used to maintain health and treat disease. However, the proper way of extraction must be used in order that the desired compound as needed.
Tropical environment has the most abundant crop diversity so that saved a lot of potential for drug compounds. This blog will be loaded on the type of plant and also how to obtain compounds as drugs or used to maintain our health.